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Faculty Development for Student Success

Publication Support

Summer Seminars:
  • Faculty Writing Seminar: Twelve Weeks to Article Submission: We will establish two 5-6 person writing groups that will follow Wendy Belcher’s extremely successful workbook, Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success (2nd edition). If you are willing to commit to meeting via Zoom once per week for an hour and a half for all twelve weeks, we can help you have a submission-ready article before the fall semester starts. Dr. Belcher has agreed to work with us and create a seminar syllabus just for our faculty. The sign-up deadline will be April 25, 2022, and the sessions will run from Tuesday, May 17, 2022 to Tuesday, August 6, 2022 (exact times TBD by group members). Sign up here:
  • Promotion and Tenure Dossier Building Seminar: (5 weeks) If you are applying for promotion and tenure or just promotion in the fall of 2022, we will have five work sessions to assist in organizing the portfolio and writing the narratives. Please sign up for those sessions by May 18, 2022. Those sessions will start the following week at a time convenient for all those who have signed up. Sign up here:













Writer’s Anonymous




Scholars Write


Structured Writing Accountability Group (SWAG)


Faculty Development for Student Success


1400 John R. Lynch Street
H.T. Sampson Library, Suite 4108 (Fourth Floor)
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 17091
Jackson State University
Jackson, MS 39217

Tel: (601) 979-6951